Closing Date & Registration Fee
Fee per entry (closing on 30th September 2014) : RM100.00. For Fun Ride RM80.00 only.
Extra Fee (RM20) for Fun Ride participant if they intend to join the race event.
Registration Fees for Team Time Trial : RM 200 per team (Jersey is not included). Limited to 15 teams ONLY
Registration will only be valid after payment has been received and processed by the “Sarawak Health Road Race 2014” organizers. Registration is strictly not refundable.
Registration fees must bank in to Account No.011038308416 (Sarawak Medical Club Council), Maybank. Send copy of bank slip AND registration forms to:-
Email : shrc@moh.gov.my; or
Fax : 082-443059 (U/P : Urusetia SHRC 2014)
Post : Urusetia SHRC 2014, Seksyen ICT,
Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sarawak,
Jalan Diplomatik off Jalan Bako,
93050 Kuching, Sarawak;
Payment by cheque must be made payable to Sarawak Medical Club Council.
Closing date : 03 October 2014