How many category in this event?
There are 5 categories in this event. Namely
1. Junior - 18 years and below
2. Men Master - 40 years old and above
3. Men Open - 104 KM
4. Ladies Open
5. Fun Ride
How do i make the payment?
Registration fees must bank in to Account No.011038308416 (Sarawak Medical Club Council), Maybank. Send copy of bank slip AND registration forms to:-
Email : shrc@moh.gov.my; or
Fax : 082-443059 (U/P : Urusetia SHRC 2014)
Post : Urusetia SHRC 2014, Seksyen ICT,
Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sarawak,
Jalan Diplomatik off Jalan Bako,
93050 Kuching, Sarawak;
Payment by cheque must be made payable to Sarawak Medical Club Council.
Your race is valid ONLY after payment is received and processed by the “Sarawak Health Road Race 2014” organizers.
Registration is strictly not refundable.
Thank you for your interest to join us!